Jambi Governor Zumi Zola Ensure Opt Fun Walk Jambi Ekspres

Jambi Governor Zumi Zola Ensure Opt Fun Walk Jambi Ekspres - Zumi zola is a Governor jambi young with a very nice career, thanks to his leadership while serving as regent slate turns Zumi very successful during his leadership. therefore in the sequel evidently Zumi nominate as gurbenur jambi that originated of Indonesia that has been successful

Jambi Governor, H. Zumi Zola Zulkifli, appreciates and fully supports the activities of Jambi Ekspres Fun Walk which will be held February 28, 2016 in the field of Jambi Governor's Office
In addition, the number 1 in the province of Jambi were also
confirmed that it will attend the grand annual event of the Ekspres Jambi.

"God willing, I'm coming," he said during the discussion with the CEO Jambi Express Group, Sarkawi, Chairman of the Company Novanto, Managing Editor and Editor of Metropolis Pirma Satria Fath Mubaraq in his office (22/2).

According to him, a leisurely stroll held Jambi Ekspres is an activity that is very positive, cultivate healthy living, plus the attractive prizes awarded Jambi Ekspres
"Well, yes fabulous," admiration

He hopes to Civil Servants (PNS) in Jambi provincial government attend this Fun Walk. Because in addition to enliven the anniversary of Jambi Ekspres 17th, also included in the series of anniversary of Jambi province.
